Monday, February 14, 2011

You don't need more time...

The words in this cartoon are from a blog post by Seth Godin. The title of the post was "You don't need more time..." and the entire text was " just need to decide." 10 words to describe a colossal quandary that vexes me (and I assume everyone else).

Many times I've wished for more time to figure out "what I want to do with my life." I'm young, I'm educated and I've been brought up by my family and my country to think that I can do whatever I want to do, and that I can try out lots of stuff and change course midstream as often as I like. When I graduated from high school, I wished I had one more year so I could beef up my cred and get a scholarship to a hot east coast hipster party haven. When I graduated from college I wished I had more time to figure out how to get a job &c. &c. 

I was offered positions in three countries when I applied to volunteer abroad with Mennonite Central Committee. I agonized for days over which one to choose.  The position I chose fell through and the other two were filled by other people. My initial agonizing had no effect on what eventually happened.
When my current position came to the table, I deliberated for about fifteen minutes, and haven't looked back.

I used to worry that the older I got, the less options I would have.
Now I understand that the number of options available to me will only increase with time. But even with an infinite amount of time, there will never be a moment of pure knowledge, delivered from outside me, about what I should do.

There's no way to find objective "knowledge" about what we should do, there are only decisions.

Decisions take time...but not tons of time. After we decide, we can get to the fun stuff.

This cartoon is a double tribute to Seth Godin and Hugh MacLeod (@gapingvoid), two people that regularly put stuff on the internet that makes me think better thoughts.

I consider this post a sequel to my previous Hugh MacLeod-esque cartoon.

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